Monday, April 21, 2008

Expose for today

So, i was thinking....i blog stalk pretty much everyone i go to high school with. So if you arent on my friends list, blog stalking me....i am probably doing the exact same thing: here is a list...and please if you are reading your name on this list...let me know, because then i wont feel like such a loser....then again if no one responds...that is even sadder!! haha, oh well..warning...some of you i didnt even know in high school, so if you go private within a few days i will get the point. I decided not to put the current last names...there are some maiden names on there, so if there are like seven jessicas i am blog stalking, you all got lumped into one....

the danjanoviches (both of you girls, except stephanie who is now private...meany)






camie (well i used to, again private)






those are really just the ones i go and look at regularly(and i know i forgot a ton)......if you are reading this, i have probably read yours too!! though, if not....hey cool, i am being blog not the only one doing the stalking...drop me a note and i will blog stalk you as well!

Friday, April 18, 2008

You may be.....

You may be a GRANOLA if.... are considering buying this backpack, even though you dont have kids.....

ISNT IT CUTE?!?!? I was thinking, i have nieces and nephews right......they dont actually live near me, but i could take up babysitting. Dont worry, i have packs for my future dog too, so when we go backpacking, he can carry his own food! ( i dont own a dog yet, but soon)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Expose for today

I decided to try and and do a little expose about myself (or those around me) once or twice a week which hopefully are embarassing/revealing/and/or humouress...just because it is good to get things out in the open.....

I pride myself on good movie favorites are things like Coen brothers films, royal tenenbaums, life is beautiful, last king of scotland, once, juno.....mainly indie films that are very dark, passionate, thought provoking, and well contrived...

this weekend while my boyfriend was away i rented high school musical two...and watched it TWICE!!!! i couldnt get enough, so i went and rented one the next day!!!! It was pretty embarrassing in the line at blockbuster with HS1 one day after i had rented HS2..... i dont care if i am way too old for him, but zac efron is such a dream boat i could DIE!!! (oh and HS2- WAY better than HS1). SUch a guilty pleasurel, but DAMN those tunes are catchy!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


As many of my close friends will attest to, each year I would run away to a magical land called Diabetic camp.....I know it sounds cheesy, campy even (sorry i couldnt resist) but camp is the GREATEST place on earth. I used to cry for DAYS when i would come home from camp as a kid. Its not just that you are away from your parents, but you are with people who totally get the whole diabetes things, plus it is FUN!

At 18 they kick you out as a camper, but fortunately for me and all other perpetual kids, you can always volunteer. The past few years I have been lucky enough to be program director...specifically in charge of FUN.....

I cant help when the snow starts melting to start thinking about camp fires, skits, and pranks...I needed to dedicate a blog to it, cuz all i can think about is karoake night, the annual camp-wide waterfight, and late nights playing poker with the camp docs.

****WARNING**** some of these pics are SCARY! At camp, make-up and sometimes showering kind of fall by the be prepared, things may get ugly and may be inappropriate for children.

talia(my co-director) and My annual grape stuffing contest....i always lose....but i have been practicing so this is my year

karaoke night!

teaching Diabetics good skills (that is right, early morning yoga)

WATERFIGHT DAY!!!!! my absolute favorite especially the giant slip and slide

the camp sleeze (a dirty, messy relay race of sorts) yes, that is my real hair...took a couple of hours to get that back to normal

AHH camp songs

talia and i leading a song or two
The kids (cute little brats)...the reason we give upa week of work and any sort of sleep.....but we sure have fun doing it

And of course I have to give a schpeel about volunteering...if you have any talents (yoga, cheerleading, dancing, mt biking, ANYTHING) you feel you could contribute and would like to come to camp for a day....or the whole week visit this site and fill out an application:

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Adult job

So i now have an official adult job and it scares me!!  since this job is really just a job to fill the space between undergrad and med school it scares me even more....because i am supposed to make "contacts".  I honestly have to wear fancy clothes and call up docs from UCdavis and schmooz....but the good thing is....they pay for trips!!!!  February they flew me out to a conference in New Orleans....i stayed on bourbon st and canal....right in the thick of it....and tomorrow i am flying to san francisco for another conference .  As it turns out, docs dont like to stay in motel eight, so we are hitting up the Hiatt at peir 49.......Dont be haters y'all (ok i am WAY to white to pull that line off). 
I guess uncomfortable pants and pointy shoes are a small price to pay for an all expense trip to one of my favorite cities, right on the pier.