Wednesday, September 5, 2007


So i have had it up to here (even though you can't see, my hand is really really high) with insurance companies.

As most of you don't know, I am afflicted with many diseases (all non communicably i swear!) Diabetes, Celiac disease, and a load of small things related to 22 years with diabetes are a daily reminder of the great genes my parents loaded on me :) . So, obviously, insurance has been a HUGE problem.

About six months ago, while i was on HORRIBLE student insurance that only covered emergencies-no meds or doc appointments-I was hospitalized for excessive vomiting and back pain. Of course we all thought kidney stones; however, as it turned out it is a mystery as to what I have and still affects me to this day. Thankfully, my insurance covered my three day hospital stay of test running that gave me no results at all....they covered it until yesterday that is.....when they called to tell me that they considered this a pre-existing condition......WHAT???

apparently the insurance got the BIG bill from the hospital and decided to try to blaim all of this on my Diabetes......yes that is right, according to my insurance company I have been vomiting blood for 22 years now since the day I was diagnosed with Diabetes. RIIIIIGGGGHHT. I am sorry for those defenders of insurance companies, but honestly, this is ridiculous.

What the insurance company forgot to look at while digging around in my past to screw me out of the money they owe, is to look up my legal history: i.e. my five cousins who are harvard grad lawyers, and my aunt who is a supreme court justice. They also unfortunately forgot to look up my many many uncles who are doctors. Needless to say, they are screwed. I have to say that I feel some sort of satisfaction that soon some croony at the insurance company will be shaking in his or her boots when they get a call from my lawyers/doctors. I'm sorry, but initially insurance companies are asking me to think twice about going to the ER and saving my life on fear that I will be in debt for the rest of it....and now I am going to have them think twice about whether or not they want to lose their job for trying to screw me out of medical insurance.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

ROBYN! It was good to hear from you. Don't you love blog stalking? it's funny how everyone is coming out and admitting that they blog stalk. If you want to add friends go to the "customize" tab at the top of your blog page and find something that says "add element" and you'll be able to click on a "link list" or something along those lines. It will have you type your friends' url (blog address) and put their name in. I know NONE of that probably didn't make any'll catch on. That sucks about your insurance. I hope everything works out in the end! I was remembering our cheer days and how I got rides with you all the time and we listened to genie in a bottle...hahahha. gotta love it.