Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Closet blogger!

For those of you who keep asking for pics, I am sorry! My computer is down and i would use Mike's but......i am a closet blogger! phew, it feels good to get that out into the open. It's not that I am ashamed...but as Mike puts it, whenever I am reading blogs "shouldnt you be reading text books?". Yes, i should be reading text books, right this very second I could be learning about the excitement of electron sharing in phenol rings (OH JOY), but instead I am wasting away, reading and creating blogs.

So there you have it, I am lieing to the man I love....daily, about my blogging habit. If he weren't working 12 hours a day to get his PhD, i might just come out and reveal my love of the blog-but i just can't quite muster up the courage.

And so dear friends, it will be a bit of time until i have some real up to date photos.

oh yeah, and if you happen to run into mike and I, i'd appreciate if we could keep this little secret just between us!


Anonymous said...

I'm holding my breath just so you know..:) aint nothing wrong with blogging in the closet!!

Crystal said...

Haha! Your secret is safe with me.

Kristen said...

You are so funny!