Friday, December 19, 2008


Alright, i am the first to admit that my blog has hit an ALL TIME LOW!!!!! really, honestly I am blogging about shopping?? FOR THE LOVE, AM I THAT BORING?!?!?! i think i am just in a funk over here, but I got a new camera for my birthday, so maybe my blog will take a turn for the best. Until that time, I am going to add A LOT of pics (because I know that is what makes every blog reader happy) of cute puppies/kitties....because let's be honest, we all LOVE cutesie pictures.

anyway, i decided I needed to resurrect my EXPOSE FOR THE DAY column....

so here it is....

I am incredibly good at doing really stupid things...i mean REALLY stupid!!! I am surprised to this day that I am even alive at times....

case number one: while running in DC, i run into an unknown park area, run smack into a drug deal, and then hop into a strangers car who promises to take me to my hotel....HELLO?!?!?! how DUMB AM I?

case number two: while in a river running and safety course, i am riding in an inflatable kayak with another girl, i decide in the spur of the moment that I am strong enough to pull us both upstream against rapids and grab onto a rope held by a man on land. I fly out of the kayak only to have the rope wrap around my neck and strangle me under water....i am not lying...this is how dumb i really am...i seriously thought that i could pull my body, this other girls body, AND the boat against rapids? HAHAHAHHAHA

and finally case number three: while in the middle of the forest in france with climbing friends, we meet some random english guys who invite us to go "sleep in the forest" rather than in a hotel room. we decide this sounds like fun, wander into the woods with a bunch of strangers and SOMEHOW end up NOT BEING MURDERED OR ROBBED!!!!

so it is time i do a bit of evaluating....i am DUMB, it is pretty obvious when i actually had ten to fifteen of these incidents i could have written on here, and had to narrow it down to's hoping the next 26 years of my life are full of smarter decisions.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Maybe not the best decisions,but I wouldn't say you're dumb- just REALLY lucky.