Tuesday, February 26, 2008

skate ski adventure

So for those of you who don't know me too well (ie most everyone who runs across this blog) I am obsessed with picking up random sports....really...if there is a club on campus i sign up for it. so far my endeavors include squash, lacrosse, xcountry skiing, downhill skiing, snowboarding, crew(probably the hardest i have tried), running, snow shoeing, climbing, road biking, mt biking, mountaineering (only did that once...but willing to give it another go), water polo, kayaking, surfing.....ok, i really could go on forever, and the list of things i want to do...probably twice as long.

the part i left out, is that i never do any of these things particularly well..I am a definite clutz and typically make some sort of fool out of myself while trying to accomplish a new sport. For example, my first white water kayak adventure-i accidentally got a rope wrapped around my neck...and blacked out from strangulation, which coincidentally saved me from drowning! (its funny in my head, cuz who the hell gets a rope wrapped around their neck while kayaking! I DO! so feel free to laugh :) i am alive after all)

so last weekend i checked off my list skate skiing.....For those of you southerners (most of my blog) skate skiing is like really really fast xcountry skiing on really really thin skis. this of course is a recipe for disaster.. I pulled my poor recovering boyfriend from off the couch and made him try with me. we were warned by multiple people that we were in for it.

My good friend who is a mad athlete agreed to give us a lessonand i have to admit, it was a ton of fun! it is my new most favorite outdoor winter endurance activity. If you have a chance, take a lesson (its totally required because technique is key). Mike and I were the slowest out of the entire track, but we loved every minute of it and WHAT A WORKOUT!! funny thing is, the next day the only thing truly sore was my neck....from falling over and over again.
No this isnt me, once again
did not take pictures!

happy winter sporting, too bad its almost spring...that means i need a new spring activity...maybe skydiving!


carly k said...

Rob-dog!! Howdy-doody!! I am so happy that you found my blog so that now I can stalk yours! hehe! And I have to say that you are just midly hilarious! Can we hang out next time you are in SG?

Robyn said...

sure....i may not be hilarious as much in person....but i certainly hope that i am...cuz otherwise it just makes me a computer nerd